
Tuesday, 1 March 2011

New iPhone app Makes Travelling in Korea Easy!

Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) has launched the new 'Visit Korea' app for iPhone users and Android users.   The mobile application provides easy and convenient access to tourist information on Korea. It will be of great benefit to travellers visiting Korea having all the latest travel information on the country in their hands.

KTO is one of the first national tourism operators to provide countrywide travel information via the smartphone service.

Some key features include recommended itineraries, a photo gallery highlighting Korea's tourist attractions, and access to interpretation services by clicking on the 1330  tt call centre link.  Also, with GPS integration, users can search travel information by their current location.  Other travel tools include real-time exchange rates, local weather, world time and essential Korean travel phrases.

To download the application, search for 'Visit Korea' in the Apple App Store and 'KTO' in the Google Android market.  The app is also available in the online markets of the three main service providers in Korea (LG Oz Store, SKT Store, and KT Olleh Market).

At the same time Seoul Metropolitan Government is providing real-time bus information through 6,300 QR codes posted at every bus stop in the city.   To check out the bus arrival time (and other useful information on downtown tours and daily life in Seoul) simply take a photo of the QR code at the bus stop with a smart phone.  The information will  be stored in your device and is accessible at any time. The service is provided in several languages including Korean, English, Japanese and Chinese.

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