
Friday, 27 January 2012

Top ten overseas destinations

(c) Roderick Eime
Source: YOURLifeChoices

A trip overseas is no doubt a luxury yet surprisingly, over 40 per cent of YOURLifeChoices subscribers undertake international travel at least once a year. So where are they travelling? Find out what are the top ten overseas destinations indicated in our survey and our recommendations of what to see while you’re there.

10. Ireland
The home of leprechauns and Guinness has long been a favourite destination for Australians, many of whom can trace their roots back to the Emerald Isle. However, if you’re looking for a slightly different experience, why not travel to the north? Northern Ireland is trying hard to shake its reputation of a troubled nation and is working hard to woo tourists. While you’re there, take a taxi ride around Belfast, a great way to hear the locals’ point of view.

9. Australia
We know that technically Australia isn’t overseas, but as 10 per cent of our subscribers live elsewhere, Australia is an international destination to them. With many visitors to Australia choosing the Harbour Bridge or the Great Ocean Road as reasons to head down under, what national icon would you suggest they visit? Our recommendation would be a trip on one of the great train journeys – take your pick from The Ghan, The Indian Pacific or The Overland.

8. Europe
While Europe is an area rather than a country, it holds a romantic notion for those who enjoy travel. The blue seas of the Mediterranean, the Piazzas of Italy and the rolling vineyards of France are all great reasons to pack your bags and go.  Follow in the footsteps of the upper-class Europeans who undertook The Grand Tour of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries.

7. England
It’s hardly surprising that England features in the top ten, with many Australians still calling it ‘home’. There is nothing to match the pomp and circumstance which the Royal family and the centuries of tradition bring to this small nation. No trip to England would be complete without a few days in the capital, London. However, the scenery in the north really is quite special.

6. France
Stinky cheese, rich, red wine and the Eiffel Tower are enough to have most Australians jumping on the first flight to France. While a trip to the Gallic nation can be combined with other European countries, there’s more than enough to see and do in France. Until 1 February 2012, Trafalgar is offering a special deal on its 11-day French Escapade, departing 23 March 2012.

5. Italy
 Food and romance just about sums up Italy. Has there ever been a country more blessed with beauty, passion and pasta? The only problem with taking a trip to Italy is deciding which of its magnificent cities you are going to love the most. Our recommendation would be to get down to the seedier side of Italy and follow in the footsteps of The Godfather.

4. Canada
The YOURLifeChoices team wouldn’t argue with the popularity of Canada. However, we’re surprised that it didn’t feature at number 1. Over the years we’ve been grizzly spotting, dog mushing and even can-can dancing in many of Canada’s beautiful provinces. The one destination which really gets us excited is Yukon, such a wealth of extremes, it has something for everyone. Don’t just take our word for it: find out what Margaret Goodwin, an Australian living in Yukon, has to say about the place she calls home.

3. United Kingdom
When you add the numbers for Ireland, England and the UK together, the British Isles would easily be number 1 on the list of most popular places to visit. Since it didn’t make the list as a top ten destination, we suggest you visit the many hidden gems of Scotland, of which Glasgow is only one.

2. America
North, south, east or west, which way would you head when you reach the USA? New York is a must and the romance and beauty of New England is difficult to pass by. But we’ve handed the stage over to one of our subscribers who has shared five reasons to visit Hawaii.

1. New Zealand
We’re delighted to see our closest neighbour take out number one spot. With its rolling countryside, mountains and rivers, as well as growing cosmopolitan cities and a three-hour flight time, New Zealand is the perfect destination for a holiday. One of the best ways to see the most of New Zealand is a cruise and we love this deal for 14-nights from $799.

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