
Monday, 3 May 2010

MotorMania Zooming into Central Queensland

A new motoring event planned for Rockhampton and Gladstone from 16 to 25 July promises exciting activities across a wide spectrum of motor sports for both enthusiasts and visitors to Central Queensland. 

Chairman of the Camco MotorMania CQ Committee, Ian Loxton says the event has been two years in the planning and brings together 18 separate motorsport organisations in the two centres.  

"Competitions and displays will include street sprints, rallying, off-roads, speedway, drags, motocross, enduro karts, show and shine expos, specialist swap and car boot sale and an extensive trade fair," Ian said.           

"There will be something for everyone so you don't have to be a dedicated motor aficionado to come and enjoy. Visiting tourists will also find plenty to catch their interest here in Central Queensland." 

Chief Executive Officer for Capricorn Tourism based in Rockhampton, Mary Carroll says her organisation is right behind the initiative. "This is clearly another major  Event-Tourism project for Central Queensland which will add to the depth and diversity of the activity-based tourism industry here in CQ.  

"We have proven in the past that we can all put on a great event and the Camco MotorMania CQ will be up there with the best of them over the coming years." 

Loxton and his committee already have plans for future expansion of the Camco MotorMania CQ over the next few years to include a Hall of Fame which will honour the contribution of local and national motoring and motor sporting personalities.

Preliminary estimates of visitation to CQ during the MotorMania CQ programme of events this year put the number of intrastate and interstate event-visitors and participants at around 20 000. Further details at


 Photo caption: (photos by Tony Walsh)

See all the motorsport action at the Camco MotorMania CQ from 16-25 July  

Ian Loxton, Chairman of the Camco MotorMania CQ Committee 

MotorMania CQ

16 – 25 July 2010

Gladstone, Rockhampton & Capricorn Coast, Queensland

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