
Monday, 10 May 2010

Sydney Whale Watching Cruises

Popular Whale Watching Cruise Back in 2010

Captain Cook Cruises is back again this Whale watching season with four Whale Watching cruises operating daily from May 15th to November 28th, 2010. Book online at and receive 15% discount.

Whale Watching cruises takes passengers past the Sydney Opera House, Fort Denison and all the beautiful homes located in the bays of Sydney Harbour and out through the heads onto the open waters. Here the direction of the vessel is totally dependent on where the whales have been sighted – north towards Manly or south towards Coogee. Most whales are found within 2kms of shore.

The number of Humpback and Southern Right whales passing through Sydney on their annual northern migration between Antarctica and the Great Barrier Reef, is expected to reach its traditional peak around the Winter Solstice on June 21st

After calving in the northern waters between August and September, the whales will then again head south past Sydney, making their long journey back to Antarctica.

This Whale Watching season, Captain Cook Cruises is offering passengers the choice of Whale Watching vessels - smaller vessels for up to 75 guests and larger vessels for up to 260 guests. Both vessels are purpose built for Whale Watching and feature two passenger decks offering spectacular open air viewing and a comfortable inside all-weather lounge for the entire family.

Captain Cook Cruises offers a whale guarantee. If a whale is not sighted during the cruise, passengers can cruise again for free. Or, if you cruise on a smaller vessel between June and August you'll receive 50% of your money back.

Whale Watching cruises depart daily from Jetty 6 Circular Quay at 9.10am, 9.15am,1.15pm and 1.30pm and from Darling Harbour at 9.00am, 9.45am, 12.50pm and 1.15pm.

For those on a smaller vessel Whale Watching Cruises are priced at: adults $75, concession $65, child (0-14) $39 and family (2ad+2ch) $189. For those on a larger vessel prices are: adults $85, concession $76, child (5-14) $50, infants under 5 years free and family (2ad+2ch) $220.

For further information and bookings, please contact Captain Cook Cruises on Tel: 02 9206-1111 or visit

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