As the summer warmth fades and work schedules heat up, what could be more appropriate than an Autumn Pause amongst the fairways of Barnbougle on Tasmania’s north east coast.
Maintain your balance this autumn with a Relaxation Retreat at Barnbougle Spa. Take two days to pause, calm the mind and heal the body in the pure Tasmanian air. The two-day retreat includes:
- Naturopath consultation
- Private Pilates class
- Barnbougle Signature facial
- Hot stone massage
- Soul to sole body treatment
- Vanilla bliss body scrub.
From $895pp the relaxation retreat also includes overnight accommodation at the Lost Farm Lodge and a personalised take-home wellness plan created for you by Barnbougle’s in-house naturopath.
For those who can only afford to take one day out from the hustle and bustle, the His and Hers Golf and Spa Package is the perfect autumn day out. Including 18 holes of golf and 2 hours of blissful spa pampering for $335, you’ll regret not taking that extra day out.
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