
Sunday, 2 January 2011

Barmy Army Celebrates The Vodafone Ashes Coming To Sydney By Climbing The Iconic Harbour Bridge

Barmy Army Ltd, England's renowned travelling supporters group has climbed the iconic Harbour Bridge to celebrate the Ashes coming to Sydney.

Climbers included infamous members ˜Jimmy the Hat" and ˜Bill the Trumpet", along with other members including prize winners from the raffles the Barmy Army has held in each Test city in support of the McGrath Foundation.

Visiting Australia is a dream for many Barmy Army members and when combined with the possibility of an England win in Sydney, the excitement in the Barmy Army camp is running high.

As commented by Paul Burnham, the founder of the Barmy Army, "After the terrific win at the MCG, the Barmy Army couldn't wait to come to Sydney, and how best could we celebrate our arrival but with a BridgeClimb, which I've heard is one of the must-do activities in the city. We thank BridgeClimb Sydney for all of their support in arranging this and our activities with the McGrath Foundation."

"It was BridgeClimb Sydney's pleasure to welcome the Barmy Army today to help celebrate the much anticipated Vodafone Ashes coming to Sydney", added Kristy Enright of BridgeClimb.

"We know how much fun the Barmy Army has and today was no exception as they enjoyed the stunning views and of course a few songs along with Bill's infamous trumpet from the summit of the Sydney Harbour Bridge."

Climbers can choose from three amazing Climbs that take you to the summit of the Sydney Harbour Bridge - The Express Climb, The Discovery Climb or The Bridge Climb. Climbs are available at Dawn, Day, Twilight or Night.

For booking enquiries call (02) 8274 7777 or book online at

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