Community Choir
Some of the members of the Zengarra Zingers, a community choir for Boonah and the Scenic Rim of South East Queensland assembled at Zengarra Country House situated at Lake Moogerah near Boonah to record a song for publication on YouTube.
YouTube link
The link is
Specially Written Song
The Song Dawn Is Blue has words written by Joanne Newbery and the music was written, arranged, played and conducted by Christine Leah co-owner of Zengarra Country House.
Choir Ask You to Donate to the Queensland Premiers Disaster Appeal
The choir wanted to give thanks for having been spared the terrible floods experienced by so many and in their way to help by asking all who watch the YouTube video to donate to the Premier's Disaster Appeal. Although we will never know how much money this will raise we have done what we can, as mainly seniors, to help.
Sending the Link to Other Countries
All the choir members will be sending this to all their friends, especially those in other countries who have phoned to ask if we are all still clinging to a tree, so that it is passed on to as many people as possible.
Scenic Rim Spared
Here in the Scenic Rim, we were spared most of the devastation and the Lakes and the countryside here all looks so incredibly beautiful that we have mixed feelings about how lucky we are and how little we have experienced when so many have lost so much.
Hope We Helped
We hope we have helped a little and that the "Dawn is Blue" means blue sky for those less fortunate than ourselves.