TANIA and Ray Kernaghan and 20 massed choirs from throughout central Queensland will headline a packed program of bush pageantry set to 'Deck the Hall' for a spectacular early Christmas in the outback.
Revellers from far and wide are invited to muster at the Stockman's Hall of Fame for the inaugural 'Deck the Hall' Bush Christmas Pageant on October 21, 2010.
The iconic outback attraction will be decked out with a giant Christmas tree, hundreds of carollers and thousands of flickering candles for the event, which will raise vital funds for Angel Flight Australia.
'Deck the Hall' organiser Lance Smith AM said the inspiration for the bush Christmas entertainment extravaganza emerged during planning for the 2010 Angel Flight Outback Trailblazer 4WD adventure charity event.
The 2010 Trailblazer, from October 17 to 23, will see a convoy of 'outback angels' visit towns and schools from Jundah to Jericho, Barcaldine, Muttaburra, Winton, Tambo, Blackall and many points in between.
"Trailblazer is a madcap, magical adventure that leaves its participants awe-inspired and exhilarated at the wonder of the bush, and the Deck the Hall Bush Christmas Pageant in Longreach will take their breath away," Mr Smith said.
"But more than that, it will be a chance for people from all over central Queensland to enjoy a very special night that showcases local talent, towns and schools."
Compered by Channel 7 presenter Dean Miller and sponsored by Woollam Constructions, the Stockman's Hall of Fame 'Deck the Hall' Bush Christmas Pageant will feature choirs from 16 western Queensland schools and several towns' Sing Australia adult choirs.
As well as appearances by country music stars Tania and Ray Kernaghan, concert-goers will be treated to performances by the famed 'dancing horses' of the Australian Agricultural College, bush poets and didgeridoo players plus a special visit by Santa Claus.
"It will be an unforgettable carols by candlelight experience with an outback difference," Mr Smith said.
"Santa is giving his reindeer a spell, so we've found him a genuine bullock wagon to arrive on, while other VIPs will arrive be Cobb & Co horse-drawn stage coach.
"And Tania Kernaghan has volunteered to step in as Santa's helper, so it promises to be huge fun while we raise precious funds for Angel Flight."
Established in 2003, Angel Flight co-ordinates free non-emergency flights for financially and medically needy people to assist patients, family and carers travelling to and from medical appointments anywhere in Australia.
Volunteer pilot 'angels', who donate their time, skills, aircraft and the bulk of their costs, have so far flown more than 8000 missions helping over 1800 people.
"Angel Flight relies entirely on donations, so fundraising like this is critical to keep the service aloft," Mr Smith said.
Gates to the Stockman's Hall of Fame 'Deck the Hall' Bush Christmas Pageant will open at 6.00pm on Thursday, October 21, with the concert to run from 7.30pm to 10.00pm.
Concert-goers are requested to BYO blanket or folding chair.
For more information and ticket sales locations, visit the website www.outbacktrailblazer.com.au.