Rail travel is considered to be a romantic and historical mode of adventure. Yet in many western countries its development has stopped or faded away entirely in favor of air travel. China is a living example of railroad development in the modern era.
Those who are fans of railroads will find much to do in China.
If you are flying in or out of the Pudong international airport in Shanghai then you can ride the Maglev train between the city and the airport. On a test run the train achieved a record speed of 501kph and is routinely run at 430kph during the day. Even if you are not flying out of the airport you can buy a return ticket from the city and make the 8 minute trip in both directions.
From Shanghai you can ride the new high-speed train to Beijing. It makes the trip in 4 hours and 45 minutes traveling at a speed of 300km/hour (180 mph). The business class seats are similar to the same service in an airplane!
Once in Beijing a visit to the Railway Museum is on the itinerary. One of the best historical railway museums in the world, the warehouse holds trains manufactured in many different countries. Some of the trains are possible to board.
You can also ride the subway systems in Beijing and Shanghai, a very practical way to get around and avoid traffic on the surface.
From Beijing a trip to Xi'an on the deluxe soft sleeper train can be a romantic and fun adventure. With your own private 2 bed compartment including a private toilet, you can hide in your cabin and look out the window.
If you really want an epic railway journey, ride the highest train in the world, between Beijing and Lhasa. The journey takes over 50 hours and the train has oxygen outlets so guests can breath easy.
This itinerary can be combined with the usual tourist sights in China. Please consult one of the China travel specialists at The China Guide - www.thechinaguide.com