
Monday, 27 June 2011

More Exposure for the Sunshine Coast in New Zealand

A Sunshine Coast trip will be given away each day this week in New Zealand. The marketing initiative by Sunshine Coast Destination Ltd (SCDL), Flight Centre, MORE FM Radio and Tourism Queensland has been designed to increase bookings for the remainder of 2011 and 2012.

The Sunshine Coast holiday giveaways will be promoted by MORE FM’s drive time program announcer, Clarke Gayford. This week , Clarke’s offsider, Stacey is exploring the best of the Sunshine Coast , promoting her experience to New Zealand listeners via a travel diary blog on the MORE FM website.

The promotion follows SCDL’s ‘Ray of Sunshine’ mission to New Zealand, held earlier this month targeting travel agents, wholesalers and potential holidaymakers through events and shopping centre promotions.

“This exciting campaign will continue to generate increased awareness of the Sunshine Coast in New Zealand and entice more New Zealanders to visit the region. This promotion follows the success of two Flight Centre tactical campaigns earlier this year.” said Gemma O’Brien of SCDL.

For the year ending December 2010, there was a 10 per cent increase from New Zealand visitors who spent 727,000 visitor nights on the Sunshine Coast.

Each daily prize is valid for two adults and includes return airfares from New Zealand to Brisbane and 7 nights accommodation on the Sunshine Coast. Prize winners will stay in Caloundra, Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Noosa and the Hinterland. The competition closes 30 June 2011.

People who enter the competition and are not lucky enough to win are being driven to the Flight Centre website, to capitalise on great Sunshine Coast package deals.

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