The $406 travellers can save by booking now on Topdeck's 28 day Discover Europe trip, will put more euros in their pocket for partying in Berlin, shopping in Paris or parasailing in the Alps!
This quintessential European adventure for 18 to 30 somethings, starts and ends in London and travels through 15 countries visiting Europe's must-see destinations and hidden gems.
The trip includes all transport, twin-share hotel accommodation with breakfast, 14 dinners, sightseeing tours of all major cities and an experienced trip leader and driver.
Popular destinations include the sandy beaches of Croatia, historic Budapest and Prague as well as Paris, the Swiss Alps, Barcelona and Rome. A gourmet picnic beside the Eiffel Tower, a vaporetto ride in Venice and a bicycle tour of Amsterdam are among the trip highlights.
Topdeck's Discover Europe hotel trip is priced from $4713 when booked and paid in full prior to December 15.
In 2011 Topdeck will offer 92 different European trips across its EuroHotel, EuroClub, Euro Camping and Explorer trip styles, which each cater for different accommodation preferences and budgets.
Topdeck's new 2011 Europe brochure showcases 20 new trips for 2011 with many activities exclusive to Topdeck, such as sailing in the Greek Islands and a gourmet picnic beside the Eiffel Tower, included within trip price.
To request Topdeck's new 2011 Europe brochure, visit or call 1300 886 332.
Earlybird discount: Topdeck is offering a 7.5% Earlybird discount on selected trips booked and paid for before December 15, 2010 for travel from April 1, 2011.
Topdeck is 100% Australian-owned. It is a leading operator of holidays for 18 to 39 year old travellers, throughout Europe, Egypt, Middle East, Australia and New Zealand.