
Sunday, 20 February 2011

Guidebook provides solutions for family-friendly travel in Queensland

Support Queensland – holiday at home

Easter is traditionally at time when Australian families spend time reconnecting. Queensland has always been a popular destination at this time of year but recent weather events have hit the Queensland tourism industry hard. 

Sunshine Coast mum and author of Kids Welcome guidebooks, Sarah Pye, says much of Queensland has not been affected, yet visitors are still cancelling their holidays. 

"Queensland hotels and attractions are encouraging visitors through the door with remarkable specials and discounts at the moment, just in time for Easter," Ms Pye says. 

"There is always a flip side to any crisis and families can save heaps on their holidays, while helping the relief effort." 

Ms Pye is passionate about making it easier for families to explore this beautiful state. Her guidebook Kids Welcome to Queensland includes reviews of over 1000 activities, attractions, tours, places to eat, places to stay throughout the Sunshine State. Many of the items are free or low cost. Each review saves valuable planning time with contact details and suitability in three age-groups: preschool, primary and teen.  

Ms Pye will be sharing some of her favourite Queensland destinations and activities on the stage at the Brisbane 4x4 Show on April 9 and 10. Her talk "School holidays made easy" is scheduled for at 10.30am each day and her talk "The grandkids are coming!" is schedules for 1.30pm each day. She will also have plenty of family-friendly prizes to give away. 

Kids Welcome to Queensland (RRP $24.95) is endorsed by Tourism Queensland and Playgroup Queensland. It been called "a must for every glove box" and one of "five top travel books".  It is available at most bookshops or online at Sarah Pye's next book, Kids Welcome to New South Wales & ACT will be available in June. 

"Queensland needs your help to get back on its feet," Ms Pye says, "What better way than planning your Easter holiday at home?"

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