
Tuesday, 22 February 2011

New Guide urges backpackers to ‘stay safe’

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In a bid to reduce accidents and to ensure a safe and fun travel experience, Pro-Visual Publishing is urging all backpackers in Australia to take the necessary precautions with the Backpackers Guide to Local Safety & Health 2011.

Australia presents many new challenges and considerations for the uninitiated traveler and this year's Guide provides tips and advice for backpackers of all ages from sunscreen and safe sex to safety in crocodile habitats.

The Guide advises backpackers to be aware of beach safety and only swim between the lifeguard's flags.  Strong currents can be present in creeks, lakes and rivers, as well as the ocean, and the Guide details precautions that should be taken when swimming in un-patrolled areas to minimise risks.

Whether a first time backpacker or a well-travelled voyager, the Australian sun is a fierce companion and exposure should be limited or fended off with strong sunscreen, the wearing of a wide-brimmed hat, protective sunglasses and the regular drinking of water

Additionally, the Guide highlights how best to avoid an encounter with one of Australia's many notorious marine stingers.

"This year's Guide contains valuable information that is relevant to Backpackers of all ages," said John Hutchings, CEO, Pro-Visual Publishing. "When displayed in hostels and tourism centers, the Backpackers Guide to Local Safety & Health 2011 provides a comprehensive list of safety measures for a wide variety of backpacking activities as well as seemingly simple actions such as hiking and driving."

Backpackers will find that adhering to the advice laid out in the Guide will ensure their travels are memorable for all the right reasons.

The Guide will be distributed to hostels, backpacking lodges, airports, YMCA'S, tourist attractions and information centres and services. Additional copies are available and all Guides are produced and distributed without cost thanks to industry sponsorship.

"We would like to thank all the sponsors involved who have made it possible to distribute the Guide free of charge," concluded Hutchings.

For further information, or to obtain additional copies of the Chart, please call (02) 8272 2611, email or see

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