
Monday, 21 April 2008

Golden Chain on the Biggest Motel Group in Australia

Golden Chain Motor Inns is now the largest motel group in Australia, with 322 member properties,

The announcement was made at the Golden Chain Conference in Darwin by Golden Chain Chairman, Mr. John Sheppard, who hailed the result as “satisfying”.

“But we did not set out to achieve this goal, “he said “we just wanted to be the best.”

In a no-nonsense address to the Conference, Mr. Sheppard said there was still much to be done.

“In this coming year we will confront many challenges,” he said.

One of vital importance to Golden chain is the situation in Sydney.

“While we are growing in strength throughout Australia, we lack representation in this key market.

“Sydney is a tough market. Accommodation properties trade so well through this international gateway.

“We will be placing a special emphasis on the Sydney, Wollongong, and Newcastle area in the coming months to build our network and provide the same success to moteliers in those areas that are helping to build the business of our members throughout the rest of Australia.”

Mr. Sheppard also said that the group was developing a modular training programme to enable new and old members to receive practical assistance when they first come into the industry and help them to update or refresh as they see the need.

He said the group was also planning an exciting revitalisation of the Golden Chain website.

“Our website is one of the most important marketing platforms for your business,” he said.

“It is a critical foundation showcasing your motel to the world.

“This significant financial investment will, when completed, knock the socks off all our competitors,” Mr Sheppard said.

He said the Chain had responded to guest concerns about the environment during the year with a programme that was the envy of AAA and most competing motel groups.

“There is a high level of awareness of the environment out there, spurred on by the Al Gore movie and assisted by a tap dancing penguin,” he said.

“Global warming and the environment is a discussion topic the world over. If you are at least seen to be green that’s a good message. Do nothing at your peril.

“Golden Chain’s “Environmentally We Care” programme embracing the endangered Green and
Golden Bell Frog has been an overwhelming success, now endorsed by over 260 properties.

“It costs nothing to participate, saves you money and sends customers the right message. This is marketing. You pay your fees, maximise results and show you care about the environment, “he said.

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