
Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Take Dad this Father’s Day to Australia’s Oldest Farm – Belgenny Farm in Macarthur

Australia’s oldest farm, Belgenny Farm, will host a public open day on Father’s Day, Sunday September 1, 2013, in the historic Macarthur region.

Belgenny Farm house verticalJust one hour south-west of the Sydney CBD, Belgenny Farm holds only two main public open days a year – Father’s Day and Mother’s Day.

Ranked amongst Australia’s greatest agricultural pioneers, John and Elizabeth Macarthur established Belgenny Farm in 1805, giving birth to the nation’s wool and wine industries, with the region named after them.

On Father’s Day, September 1, Belgenny Farm will offer entertainment and activities, providing a  glimpse into Australia’s colourful history. The day’s program includes snake and reptile shows, car displays, sheep shearing demonstrations, tractor rides, free face painting, children’s games, live music, food stalls, Belgenny Farmpony rides and much more.

A special father’s Day buffet lunch will also be offered in the farm’s Granary for $49 for adults, including the cost of entry to the farm, and $25 for children aged 3-12.

Where:            Belgenny Farm, Elizabeth Macarthur Avenue, Camden, NSW
When:             10am – 3pm, Sunday, September 1, 2013
Tickets:          Farm entry:  Adults $5; Children FREE

For more information, call 02 4654 6800 or visit

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